"James Chumbley is without a doubt a brilliant and talented artist. What impresses me the most is his adaptability. To read what a client is looking for and transfer that to canvas without ever compromising his work is a rare talent of itself."
"James and I have collaborated on Residential and Commercial projects together and it is always a pleasure to work with him."
Randall Cobb Designs
“One of the things that makes the art of James Randall Chumbley so unique is that many abstract art pieces appear to be little more than paint thrown on canvas with a brush or palette knife dragged thru it. Not so with Randy. Each has a sense of depth. His pieces pull you into the layers, each layer its own step and each step its own story. In fact, his Art History Series is a good example. The series pulls you closer to examine the choices he made in old book pages, the selection of color and form and his arrangement of those items to one another.”
Michael A Thomas, FASID, CAPS
“James Randall Chumbley has been one of my favorite artists I have worked with over the last 10 years here in the Atlanta marketplace. His body of work to include Landscapes, Abstracts, and Mixed Media offers clients the opportunity to expand their art collections in both residential and commercial applications."
"Having the ability to offer a rare talent as pure and imaginative as James Chumbley has proven beyond successful; James has worked on commission pieces for several of my clients and with each completed painting the result remains the same – the client loves the piece and often moves forward with a second commission."
"The highest compliment I could pay any artist, as an art dealer, would be to own one of that artists art pieces…and as it happens my reverence of James Chumbley’s work is such that I own four of his paintings.”
Nipper Jewett / Canvas Commercial Art Consultants / Atlanta, GA
“James is an incredibly talented artist with a big heart. He cares about the community and that is why he has generously donated several beautiful pieces over the past couple of years to the YES YOU CAN! Foundation. Randy’s support has helped the foundation raise money that has been used to provide our under served youth with musical instruments and mentoring programs. We sincerely appreciate Randy’s awesome talent and generous support!”
Dan Gardner, CEO & Founder, YES YOU CAN! Foundation / www.yesyoucanfoundation.org